
I learned to make hand crafted items from my Lithuanian gran who would sit working beside me. 
I have made gifts for friends and family and have taken part in craft fairs. 

I organised a pom pom yarn bombing activity in Alexander Park, Hastings. 

I also yarn bombed the Save Combe Haven Valley protest camp, hanging up a large crochet daisy from an ancient tree which was eventually felled. I hung crochet spider webs on fencing put up by a security firm to close off an area of woodland to the public, which one month before this had been featured in a brochure encouraging people to attend free nature events in the area. 
This had been funded by the EU and all the local councils. 
You can read more about it on my Hastings blog here.

Autumn 2013

In Hastings I exhibited textile art that highlighted environmental issues such as the controversial low value for money Bexhill to Hastings link road through Combe Haven Valley. 
I hope my work shows the beauty and value of the natural world and why we need to protect it.

I created The Cherry Plum Tree on the East Hill from a favourite spot where I had collected cherry plums to make jam. My son slept in his buggy below the tree I climbed to pick the fruit. One year later, after moving to Glasgow, I created a poster that was used to advertise a demonstration against a caravan park expansion on the East Hill which it is believed has contributed to a massive landslide that has damaged sensitive native plant species and has permanently closed the ancient public path on a clifftop walk which is one of the most stunning in South East England. 
I also created a cartoon about it that was published in Rotten Boroughs, Private Eye. 

Exhibited at The Pelican Diner Hastings Summer 2013
Cherry Plum Tree on the East Hill & Endangered British Birds. Hand embroidered appliqué.

West Hill Picnic & Combe Haven Valley. Hand embroidered appliqué.

Exhibited Eat@ Cafe Hastings Summer 2012
By the Light of the Silvery Moon & The Owl and the Pussycat. Hand embroidered appliqué.

By the Light of the Silvery Moon. Hand embroidered appliqué: vintage silk & linen. 

Spring/Summer 2012

 All images Copyright 2015 The Green Lady.